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Environmental and Social Management Framework for Project Preparation and Implementation

Environmental and Social Management Framework for Project Preparation and Implementation

Name of Client: Nile Equation Lakes Subsidiary Action Programme

Narrative Description of Project: Environmental and Social Management Framework for Project Preparation and Implementation. The objective of this assignment was to facilitate a workshop on mainstreaming of environmental and social management framework for the NELSAP.

Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff: We facilitated the workshop, and delivered detailed information on how to enhance comprehension of the ESMP instrument and its application. The scope of the workshop was to enhance NELSPA technical capacities to integrate Environmental and Social Assessment procedures into project cycle especially during the identification and preparation phase. Other tasks include drafting a template of Environmental and Social Guidelines and Procedures for NELSAP programs and projects, with identification of key factors.

Country: Kenya

Location within the Country: __________

Start Date: 2010

Completion Date: 2010