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Assessment on the impact of Awendo Water Project on Sony Sugar Water Needs

Assessment on the impact of Awendo Water Project on Sony Sugar Water Needs

Name of Client: South Nyanza Sugar Company Limited

Narrative Description of Project: The main objective of the study was to find out what impacts the upstream uptake of water by the Awendo Water Project would have on SONY. The study generated data to enable planning of future water usage

Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff: Log Associates conducted field visits, sought information from other stakeholders, including WRMA. The scope of this work was to assess the impact of the Awendo Water project by the LVSWSB on the Sony Sugar Nucleus Estate and to determine the effects of sharing the water resources during scarcity periods. We were also tasked with analyzing the impacts of the project and activities carried out on the company’s land on the entire Sony sugar factory.

Country: Kenya

Location within Country: Awendo, Migori County

Start Date: 2012

Completion Date: 2012