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Feasibility Study and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Proposed Rehabilitation of Olkaria I – 45MW Power Plant (in collaboration with Power Engineers Inc of USA)

Formulation of Industrialization Policy and Strategy

Name of Client: East African Community

Narrative Description of Project: The objective of the assignment was to undertake a comprehensive study that clearly spelt out policy statements and implementation strategies, specification of the scope of coverage of the EAC national and regional industries, identification of backward and forward linkages between national and regional industries, identification of key areas for industrial promotion, analyzing of the kind of investments required, indicating the necessary institutions that had to be strengthened and/or established in order to support the regional industries; and Suggesting the coordination and monitoring mechanisms.

Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff: Tasks performed included identification of the status of implementation of various aspects of respective national policies and strategies and relevant instruments of the Community and based on that drawing up a Program of Action-Logical Framework (with timelines and necessary resources required) that would guide the setting up or supporting the regional industries

Country: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda

Location within Country: N/A

Start Date: 2009

Completion Date: 2009