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Mid Term Evaluation of the Small-Scale Horticultural Irrigation Development Project (SHDP)

Mid Term Evaluation of the Small-Scale Horticultural Irrigation Development Project (SHDP)

Name of Client: Ministry of Agriculture

Narrative Description of Project: The main objective of the mid -term evaluation was to provide information about verifiable indicators to assess impact of the project interventions in line with the project goals, objectives and activities as contained in the project logical framework

Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff: The specific tasks performed by our staff included:

  1. Evaluation of conformity of project implementation with project objectives and descriptions at appraisal
  2. Identification of major constraints impeding project implementation
  3. Formulation of recommendations for the alleviation of constraints identified or reformulation of the project

Country: Kenya

Location within Country: Kathiani, Mwala, Narok North, Subukia, Kajiado North, Liotoktok, Marakwet West, Mbeere North and Meru South Districts

Start Date: 2011

Completion Date: 2011